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Summer Solstice Recharge 2022 - Loch Garten


For some of us, the Summer Solstice is a magical time and our bodies and minds yearn to be outside as long as possible, enjoying the long hours of daylight and the gentle journey into twilight.

When I trained to be a Nature and Forest Therapy Guide, part of the work was to undertake a 'solo walk' and for me, this was done on the longest day from dusk until dawn. Sitting with the trees, watching the sun set, twilight gently surrounded me and I found a powerful sense of reflection, taking time to let go of the heavy baggage I carried with me and focussed on the coming months and positive things ahead.

This year I shall be running a 2 hour Forest Bathing Session at Loch Garten in the Cairngorms National Park. As a small group we'll initially take time to connect with the land around us, starting to feel each others and it's support. We shall have time to explore the textures and sounds along the shore, before taking our own mini 'solo walks' for half an hour within the giant and ancient Caledonian Pine Forest. This will be time to reflect, let go and befriend the forest.

We'll then come back together as a group, sharing our experiences and enjoying light refreshments as midnight approaches.

This session will last for approximately 2 hours, starting at 10pm and places are limited to 8, t0 book please click here.


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